Become a Certified
Neurodivergent Accessible Provider
(and actually make money doing it)

Learn How to Serve Neurodivergent Clients, Grow Your Business,
and Set the Standard for Accessible Services

Serve an Overlooked, High-Value Market

There's a whole world of neurodivergent clients out there, and most businesses are completely in the dark about how to reach them. Why? Because the tiny bit of education available focuses on what we can't do, rather than what we can.

Well, it's time to flip that script.

Starting November 1, I'm taking the first brave bunch through my provider certification program.

Fair warning: this isn't your typical "watch some videos, fill out some worksheets" deal. We're talking a 16-week, roll-up-your-sleeves, transform-your-business certification program.

Think business audits, assessments, mid-term projects, group activities, lectures, reading - the whole enchilada. It's designed to be thorough, but also as accessible as I can make it. Because that's kind of the whole point, right?

By the end of this adventure, you'll walk away with:

  • A deep dive into the 5 core neurodivergent experiences (yes, there are more, but we're focusing on the heavy hitters)
  • Strategies to empower your clients without coming off as condescending
  • An accessible client communications plan that won't make people want to hide under their desks
  • A full, sensory-friendly plan to make your business actually work for ND folks
  • Custom executive functioning supports for your clients (and let's be honest, probably for you too)
  • And a whole lot more that'll make your business stand out like a lighthouse in a sea of confusion

Plus, you'll get a shiny certification at the end (assuming you do the work and show you know your stuff).

This isn't just about warm fuzzies. It's about dramatically increasing your earning potential by serving a market that's been waiting for someone to truly get it.

Ready to be that someone?

Master the art of neurodiversity-affirming practices in just 16 weeks.

Create a marketing toolkit that speaks directly toĀ ND clients (without the cringe).

Join a community that is setting the new standard in accessible business.

Become the Go-To Expert for Neurodivergent Clients

Ready to transform your business and tap into an underserved market? Join Solo School now to access this game-changing certification program!

Become a Solo Schooler >>>

Frequently asked questions

Q: What's the weekly schedule?

A: The program runs for 16 weeks with the following weekly schedule:

  • Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific: Live lecture
  • Thursdays at 1pm Pacific: Interactive experience
  • Thursdays at 2pm Pacific: Q&A/Office Hours (alternating with Mastermind sessions for Founder's Circle)

Q: What topics are covered each week?

A: Here's our course outline, week by week:

  1. Foundations of Neurodiversity in Online Business
  2. Intersectionality and Neurodiversity
  3. Presumed Competence in Virtual Spaces
  4. Centering Lived Experience in Digital Business

    [Mid-term Break]

  5. Mid-term Project Showcase
  6. Clear Communication in Online Spaces
  7. Navigating Subtext in Virtual Interactions
  8. Supporting Self-Determination in Online Client Relationships
  9. Flexible Online Business Models
  10. Sensory-Friendly Virtual Environments
  11. Accessible Content Creation for Online Businesses
  12. Executive Functioning Support in Virtual Work
  13. Neurodiversity-Affirming Project Management
  14. Digital Advocacy for Neurodiversity in Business
  15. Measuring Impact of Neurodiversity-Affirming Practices
  16. Graduation and Future Visioning

Q: Is this program part of Solo School?

A: Yes, this certification program is included in your Solo School membership. Solo School members can opt to pursue certification at no additional cost.