The Best AI Tool for ADHD Productivity is FREE.

Ever wish you had a tool in your pocket that could...

  • Break down your todo list into manageable chunks?
  • Tell you what's actually important?
  • Tell you when you should do which thing?
  • Be honest when you're being over ambitious?
  • Save you from yourself when you can't do the thing and feel stuck?
  • Walk you step by step through your tasks throughout the day?
  • Add a dash of wit and sarcasm to even the most boring tasks?
  • Cheer you on as you finish things all day long?

Today is your lucky day, pal, because WE MADE THE THING.

Introducing the F*ck It Bucket: a GPT designed specifically to turn the task tornado in your brain into a manageable, prioritized todo list, with time limits assigned to tasks and a touch of wit to keep you on your toes.

It'll even celebrate your finished tasks, coach you through getting unstuck when you can't do the thing, and tell you when you're trying to do a project - not a task.

Sign up here to get access to our video tutorial + a link to the tool so you can use it to power through your task tornado today!

(Note that a paid OpenAI/ChatGPT account is required to use this tool, but don't worry - we have a PDF printable backup on the next page just in case!)

Watch the tutorial ->

"It's the ND's best friend and coach that we didn't know we needed 😀"
- Charline, beta tester who is now a daily user

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