Computer Crashes + Rest + No Deadline Test Results (so far)
I'm moving my weekly newsletter updates here! My essay of the week + current ways to work with me will be available to everyone, but if you want to see what I'm reading, my adaptations and resources, and my updates on 100 Days Without Deadlines, you'll need to subscribe. It's free!
So this week, the universe is testing me. Like, REALLY testing me. Specifically, testing my commitment to rest.
I started with a rainstorm that sidelined my Sunday rest.
On Monday, my brain shut down and didn't let me do anything of substance. Probably out of resistance due to the weekend of not-resting-very-much that I did.
Tuesday, I went to start up my computer and... Tada! Nothing. Not a beep, blink, fan, or blip on the screen. We went through every single troubleshooting step known to humankind to determine that the whole motherboard has fried. I tried to link up a bluetooth keyboard to salvage the day, but alas, we're up at the lake and the one I grabbed from the house is not actually bluetooth.
I guess I'm not supposed to be working right now.
So, I didn't.
I read two books (which you'll hear about below), almost finished a crochet sweater (which I'll share pictures of next week), and sat down to plan out my fall canning, preserving, and baking regimen.
In other words, I rested the way only I could - by doing a bunch of non-work stuff that I wanted to do.
Wouldn't you know it, that counts as the active form of rest!
Rest isn't just sleep, it's also activities that bring you joy.
At the time of sending this newsletter, I'm also going to publish a paid post for my newsletter subscribers, detailing what I've learned in my research about the connection between neurodivergence, work, and joy, deepening my research around deadlines.
Solo School members automatically get access to my paid newsletter, but if you're not a member, you can join below. It's only $9 for the first 100 subscribers, so get in while you can!
I'm hoping to build a computer tower from the carcass of my laptop and be back in full writing and recording glory for next week, so stay tuned for more!
- Cheryl
β€οΈ How to work with me
I've done over $600k in sales since January 2021 using social selling. I started with absolutely no audience whatsoever, and no freaking clue what I was doing to sell leveraged offers online. I was coming from an agency background, where we had 3-5 anchor clients at a time, and everything was sold based on relationships.
Frankly, I believed that building an audience and selling on social media was a completely different thing from the relationship-based sales I had been doing for all of those years. So I struggled, and I held myself back.
I also struggled with a lot of rejection sensitivity, fear of being perceived, and obsession over every relationship being "all or nothing" because of my different brain. So I figured, I couldn't do this, because every system I found required me to do things that activated all of these fears and issues.
But I was wrong.
Social selling is just relationship-based sales adapted for the internet.
It absolutely CAN be done while minimizing the risk of activating RSD, minimizing the feelings of perception, reduce the all or nothing feelings, and more. It can be done in neurodivergent-friendly ways.
And I've documented everything I did to get to my first 1k followers and my first $100k in sales on social media in my new Social Selling course, located inside Solo School.
This 38-minute video (with captions, downloadable PDF, and adjustable speed) contains every step I took to achieve this result. People have told me it contains more actionable information than courses they've paid $5k for.
If Solo School had existed to teach me this when I started, and I had been paying for it this entire time, I would have a 48X ROI on that investment.
Right now, your first year of Solo School is included in my "Cheryl's Computer is Busted Bundle" that includes *everything I've ever created* for one price.